
We are designers and propagators of sustainable and inclusive solutions.

The search for economic success cannot and must not be in conflict with respect for the
environment and people. But the environment and people are complex and evaluating
management or design choices, considering the impacts of each decision taken, is even more

Then how can we analyse the possible alternatives in the world of complexity? By explicitly and
systematically considering the principles of sustainability in all phases of thought, conception,
design and management.

The Nautilus team are experienced professionals, with different specializations in the
industrial field and with various professional and academic backgrounds. This allows us to see the
same problem from multiple perspectives and manage its complexities. Convergence is found
thanks to a common vision: it is possible to build a profitable business, without compromising
the environment and people’s well-being. On the other hand, an optimized use of resources can
help your company to improve its performance in terms of

  • Cost reduction
  • Business process optimization
  • Improvement of the indoor climate
  • Growth of corporate reputation
  • Development of innovative solutions that increase competitiveness


At Nautilus, we generate value with concrete actions, creating opportunities and sharing our knowledge.

Concrete actions include the design and implementation of solutions for breaking down barriers daily faced by people with different needs and minimizing the discomfort endured by the disabled (sensory, psychic, motor and temporary).

Our methodology starts from the fundamental principles of Product Management: putting the customer (the disabled user, in our case) at the center, listening to them and involving them in the various phases of the design, but also in the development and manufacture of the concrete product.

The first project is “The sea is without limits”: production and distribution of innovative, ecological and inclusive boats for pleasure craft.

We therefore make available to other companies the combined expertise that our team has built up over years of experience in the industry by offering support for:

  • Sustainability and inclusion projects
  • Circular economy projects
  • Sustainability reporting
  • Application of international reference standards for impact measurement (GRI)
  • Marketing: structuring web and social communication of your company’s commitment on ESG issues and performance (Environmental, social and corporate governance from Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development)

It is important to remember that today more and more companies are obliged to prepare sustainability reports: for now it is large companies, particularly in the banking and financial sector. The obligation will soon be extended to other sectors, including SMEs. This will prepare you in advance for what will soon be an obligation; allowing you an advantage over the competition.


At Nautilus, we believe that to achieve different results, things need to be done differently and that each milestone achieved represents a new beginning for further improvement. For this reason, continuous research is needed that takes into account not only the innovative and creative phase, but the entire life cycle of each product and solution.

The approach must be holistic, systemic and far-sighted and not limited to the use of new technologies or alternative construction systems: using resources until they are effectively exhausted, evaluating in this way not only recycling but – also the fundamentals of recovery, reuse and redistribution.

A similar argument can also be made for human resources: inclusion represents an incredible opportunity to have different views on the same subject: improving communication and productivity without “wasting” any talent!


At Nautilus, we believe that sustainability and inclusion are not just an ethical issue and a priority need, but they do really offer great opportunities: companies that integrate the principles of sustainability and innovation into their core business, in fact, are more competitive!

Others said it earlier and better than us:

  • “We have learned that when we invest in making economies fairer […], economic growth is likely to be better for everyone’s business, for longer periods” (Rockefeller foundation)
  • “The relationship between inclusion and corporate performance is clearly demonstrated: there is a statistically significant correlation between a more diversified management team and financial outperformance: companies in the top quartile for ethnic / cultural diversity at the executive level are 33% more likely to have industry-leading profitability.
  • Companies in the bottom quartile both for gender and for ethnicity and race are statistically less likely to achieve above-average financial returns than the average companies in the data set (that is, bottom-quartile companies are lagging rather than merely not leading) (McKinsey & Company – Delivering through Diversity report)
  • The advantages of a sustainable company are divided into three categories: expansion of the target market, superior access to resources or customers and restrictions on competitors’ options (Harvard Business Review – Sustainable Advantage)

Communicating environmental sustainability is also a powerful marketing tool: it provides banks and stakeholders with useful information to increase perceived value and increase your company’s reputation on the market.

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